Times Up Outdoors

Latest Episodes
Rutcation Ep6 Then there was 2
This ones a quick one...and not nearly as funny as all the others...thats because we are fairly down and you'll find out why. Deer hunting can't always be fun can it?
Rutcation Ep5 “Wait, are we talking about intercourse?”
Episode 5 rutcation Indiana public land hunting up date. We basically beat up on Steve the entire episode because he's leaving early, and we talk about how badly we are getting our butts kicked.
Rutcation 2024 EP 4 ‘thanks dad”
Night four of our Indiana public land deer hunting rutcation. We give our update, and then get into some deep deer hunting conversations with Dean, Nikos father, about when we started passing bucks.
Rutcation Ep3 “they’re here”
Our Sunday night update...and it's another knee slapper. More deer hunting talk and maybe some alien stuff. We get into out 3rd night in this one. Hope you enjoy.
Rutcation 2024 Ep2
Join us on this episode after a full day of deer hunting Indiana public land. Lots of laughs. You just might pee your pants. And a Buck Down!
2024 Season Kickoff
It's been a minute, or two....or thousands, since we recorded but that's life. We are always more active this time of the year and we wanted to jump on here and kick off season 5 with a quick episode.
Ep. 55 What it’s like being married to an obsessed hunter
This episode features a special guest. Niko's wife Morgan sits down to discuss what it's like being married to his hunting obsessed self and tells some hunting stories of her own. Enjoy!