Time for the Show

Time for the Show

Latest Episodes

Ep 205: New Beers Special
February 11, 2023

Fidd and Faux resolve to do the Show, even if it kills them AGAIN!

Ep 204: Holiday Hangovers
February 10, 2023

Fidd and Faux have severe Holiday Hangovers

Ep 203: Canadian Facon
February 09, 2023

The iron-fisted leaders of FreeThinkRadio.com, Marthartha and Dr. Ellis, play peas's surrogates as Fidd fills the BG channel with copyrighted music. Faux is there, too.

Ep 202: The New First Episode
February 07, 2023

Fidd Chewley activates the Pylon Network and learns how to engineer the show LIVE. Reverand [sic] peas [sic] joins Doktor Faux in reveling in how accomplished they feel, despite the year's shortcoming

Ep 201: HyperCOMM Ramblings
February 07, 2023

It's not the "same old show"! The first from your favorite buddy and bestest pal Doktor Faux in a HOT minute! Fidd Chewley and Subject T Change debate the economic situation in Uzbekistan and discuss

Ep 135: Undersight
March 10, 2021

Peas blows the wad too early, DokFaux compensates with extra Headlines in CubeNews. Peas debates wizards, flesh compasses and how to deal with poisoning children.

134: Extortion
March 03, 2021

Hypercube merges with FnordVPN, to provide a secure new means of real-time protection from dangerous people, like yourself. Don't suffer at the hands of your own humiliation. Sign up now!

Ep 133: Pony Show
March 03, 2021

Faux threatens the Canadian government, peas complies. Peas gets robbed, but does NOT get a monkey out of it.

Ep 132: Fire Sale
February 26, 2021

Faux butchers the intro after Peas put him on hold on the HyperCOMM. CubeNews: Happy Hypercube Day (Orthogonal alignment), Traditional Hypercube Annual Begathon, peas is German, Negtativland/Weatherman bumpers. Cubic hairs. Dave Grohl shows up.

Ep 131: Theming
February 26, 2021

Doktor Faux begs for money, peas agrees. Multiple guest hosts.