Tiim Talks

Tiim Talks

Latest Episodes

Dealing With Problem People (Episode 331)
January 13, 2020

Most Christians are a delight to be around, but a few love to create problems. How should we handle the problems that arise?

Some Pastors Have Made Tragic Mistakes (Episode 330)
January 10, 2020

Occasionally (and thankfully not often) a pastor's behavior will disqualify him from ministry, how should a church react?

Pastors Sometimes Make Big Mistakes (Episode 329)
January 08, 2020

Some mistakes pastors make warrant more than "just" an apology. How should the members and the pastor react to that event?

Pastors Make Mistakes (Episode 328)
January 06, 2020

Although we wish we were infallible, we definitely are not. How should a pastor respond to his mistakes?

How We Can Heal (Episode 327)
January 03, 2020

When anyone leaves the church for any reason, it hurts. How can we heal from that wound?

How A Pastor Responds (Episode 326)
January 01, 2020

There may be a gap between how a pastor should respond and how he actually does when people leave a church.

Now What…(Episode 325)
December 30, 2019

People leave churches. It has happened and will continue to happen. In every church. So, how do you handle it?

I Need Help…(Episode 324)
December 27, 2019

Assessing the needs and duties when hiring your first church staff member.

Oh, By The Way, Merry Christmas (Episode 323)
December 25, 2019

Praise God for His love and His eternal plan of redemption through His only begotten Son!