Tiim Talks

Latest Episodes
What Is the Purpose of Having Church Ministries? (Episode 1125)
In response to a listener's question - Al & Dan take a quick dive into, "Why do churches do many of the things which they do?"
So…What’s the Purpose of Kid’s Ministries? (Episode 1124)
What about Sunday School, Junior Church, Patch Clubs, Master Clubs and (fill in the blank). Are they just to get the kids out of the adult service?
So…What’s the Purpose of It? (Episode 1123)
Your hosts answer a question pertaining to the purpose of music in the church services.
Parental, Pastoral And Potentially Problematic Proverbs (Episode 1122)
What can we say? You just never know where this might go. Listen as two old guys have some fun with the folly of their lives and discuss how you might avoid the same.
Wise Guys Wednesday (Episode 1121)
They're back at it, our co-hosts are adding to the list of life lessons and the lessons they learned from them on this episode today.
Two Preachers And A Proverb (Episode 1120)
Not to be confused with the glorious words of God in the Book of Proverbs Dr. Stone and Pastor Wolvin come up with a few of their own proverbs that may nor may not help as you listen.
They’re Not Coming, They’re GOING (Episode 1119)
The tables turn today. What do you do when people leave a church? How should a church, the pastor, or others deal with that? Al and Dan dive in, having had a little experience.
Who’s Watching Who? (Episode 1118)
Should a congregation be made aware of the circumstances of others coming? Should there be a period of "observation" or should they just assume all is well and let the love begin? These are the ques
Smith Party of 40, Your New Church Is Ready (Episode 1117)
Someone asked, "How should a church, receive, act toward and amalgamate with large groups of people that may come in from another church and as usual our guys have some answers. Listen in as they sha
This Is Going To Get Physical! (Episode 1116)
Pastor Wolvin and Dr. Stone have turned the corner ... literally, the are speed-walking us through this episode in hopes of getting us all in shape, physically and spiritually.