Throw The Game
The Harry Potter All-Takes Hour Hosted By Throw The Game
This bonus episode recorded in May 2019 was made for people who donated $1 CAD or more to TTG's production (thanks Jason!). But it was so good we wanted to give it to you for free!
This is the end of the line for TTG - we have had so much fun sharing our bullshit and bits with you over the years but Harry and I have moved on to other projects. Some of the best parts of TTG have found new life in the narrative and comedy podcasts that Harry makes for Blue Wire. Please follow Harry on twitter @HarrySwartout for these, and also for all inquiries and correspondance related to TTG. Our TTG twitter account will remain active but dormant and unmonitored - please don't hack it. Our archive of episodes will remain available for the foreseeable future. If we ever make another collaborative project, we'll drop a note about it here.
Thank you for listening. Mr. Celery Forever. -TTG