Through Lisa's Eyes: One World, Numerous Lives

Through Lisa's Eyes: One World, Numerous Lives

Latest Episodes

#11 Rise From Pain and Let it Shape Your Life
September 07, 2020

“Life had crushed me and I thought to myself…Okay this is not how I thought I could make a change in other people’s lives, or how I imagined my life to be.” My friend Florentina…

#10 Get The Best Out Of Life
March 02, 2020

A ship is safe in a harbor but that’s not what ships are for. I talked to my friend Marcela who was born in Honduras. She is currently climbing the business ladder as an upcoming…

#09 Don’t Regret Never Having Tried
February 03, 2020

‘It has become a rule for me whenever I am like ‘Well this idea is too crazy you can’t do that’ THAT’S what I am doing. Basically, there aren’t any limits.‘ While normally this paragraph…

#08 You Don’t Need To Live This Stereotype Life
September 02, 2019

‘In the Himalayas, this is where I felt the most connected to myself.’ I talked to my friend Sarah who moved to India 7 years ago and gets to call the little village Manali at…

#07 Always Expand Your Comfort Zone
August 05, 2019

‘Have goals in life but why would you put a timeline to it?’ I talked to my friend Hailey from Canada who left home 5 years ago to go live in Asia. She would tell…

#06 Live As Many Lives As You Can
July 01, 2019

It’s all about living different lives in one life. I talked to my friend Lisa who is originally from Canada but has been living in Germany for more than 10 years now. In her role…

#05 A Smile Can Change Somebody’s Life
June 03, 2019

Are you a victim mindset or a growth mindset? I talked to my friend Jeremy from San Diego about how we are in complete responsibility of what happens to us in life. Having been faced…

#04 Break Away From That Fear
May 06, 2019

‘If I hadn’t taken that leap how sad it would be’. I talked to my Aussie friend Jade about how it is fear that stops a lot of people from following amazing ideas. And how…

#03 Live The Life You Want To Live
April 01, 2019

Shouldn’t we all aspire to live a life we love? I talked to my friend Malin from Sweden about how putting your trust in the process of creating the life you want can be one…

#02 Is reaching happiness real success?
March 03, 2019

Is reaching happiness in what you’re doing real success? I talked to my friend Prabu from Malaysia about how we should aspire in life to find our passion and follow what our heart tells us.…