Thriving at sixty

Take Action Don’t Let Fear Stop You! #468
Today I want to talk about fear again. I don’t think we can hear enough about interrupting our fears. The opportunity is to discover how do you take action regardless of your fear? It isn’t like fear is ever really going to disappear but we can walk alongside the fear and take action regardless of the fear.
I did a post on Facebook and one of my clients thanked me for my coaching. It was so rewarding to know that he implemented what I had suggested regardless of his fear and it really worked out for him. As a coach, there is nothing more rewarding than having your clients succeed.
One of the things I was able to acknowledge this gentleman for is that he called and took the coaching and implemented what I told him o do even though he was fearful. I also was able to acknowledge him for picking up the phone and asking for help, rather than staying stuck or paralyzed. Half the battle is picking up the five-hundred-pound phone. The next is taking the coaching and implementing it. He did both.
This gentleman has created an online workshop and teaches people how to find jobs. He has been very successful at it and this is his first online course. He just needed to have someone believe in him and encourage him to go for it. He had let his saboteur’s voice stop him and he was so close to launching. We frequently let the little saboteur’s voice stop us but he knew enough to call me and interrupt that voice. That takes courage to share vulnerably. We usually get stopped because we don’t want to look stupid or needy.
Fear false evidence appearing real
Face everything and rejoice
F everything and run
He was ready to run. He had spent a year creating this course. It cost him time and money, he is brilliant at what he does. Often we get stopped just before completion.
I got him to question his fear. I got him to look at his fear. Based on reality he saw for himself his fear was not real.
I’m a kick-ass coach. I’m straight, loving and ruthless when needed. I don’t blow smoke up you’re you know what. I don’t hold your hand. I will grab your hand and guide you to take effective actions as you need to so you can produce the results you want. Regardless of your saboteur’s voice but first you need to have the courage to call me I won’t chase you down. Then you have to have the courage to implement the coaching.
I invite you to look at where are you tolerating unworkability in your life because you are afraid to step out and risk someone’s anger, judgement, failure and so forth? Evaluate and contemplate is the fear real? Who could you talk to and examine if the fear is real or not? Are you willing to take new actions and walk alongside the fear?
failure is, when you do not produce the result you said you wanted at that moment.
Watch an infant learning to walk. They stand up and fall down repeatedly. They practice this many times until they walk. Then they have to keep practicing until they stop bumping into things. This could take doing it over and over again daily many times for a year. They don’t stop and question it, they keep going until they master it.
If you are taking on anything new, expect fear to walk alongside you. Are you willing to fail? Just go for it. You have a chance to succeed if you just swing out.
What is one new action you could take right now that could make a difference?
Is this being fearful a habitual pattern? Have you had this experience before? Is this fear familiar? How old is this fear?
Picture yourself doing something and the fear didn’t disappear. There are times when I feel the fear rise up. But facing our fears means walking beside them and taking action anyway. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to get to the end to find it Go all the way through the tunnel. The other side is nothing short of magical.
Go for it! I want on my gravestone she burned out instead of rusted out! What do you want them to say about you?
Ask yourself are your actions and speaking are in alignment with what you are committed to? Look at what are the habitual patterns that have that commitment thwarted? Are you willing to take responsibility for when it doesn’t go the way you want or the way you expected and clean up your part? Are you willing to let go of Expectations of yourself and others? What are you not being truthful about to yourself and others?
Our thoughts can be like a junk drawer-we need to take inventory and get rid of what is not useful! (wendy b)
I want to personally hear about your dreams and goals. I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out. I give a complimentary discovery session to people who let me know they left a five-star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on iTunes, google plus, blubrry the podcast providers I use. Just hit the button subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5.!
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Anything that is said on this podcast and anything said before or after are from my views only.
Thanks for Listening!
Wendy B
I support women when facing adversity to Reclaim Their Power bringing them more clarity, confidence, and joy. Also, I share my 40 years of experience of being a successful entrepreneur while raising two children who are now adults.
Wendy Bergen
International renowned Transformational Solution Coach, Author
Motivational Speaker, podcaster: Thriving at Sixty
Certified Reclaim Your Power (RYP) Workshop, Leader
Transformational Coach transforming your perception of yourself and others one conversation at a time.
Best selling Author of “Getting Unstuck,” 30 Ways to turn YOUR limiting barriers into clarity, freedom and power
Dare, Dream, Dance, Smile, and Sing Loudly!
Confidence is key, once you have that you are an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE!
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