Thriving at sixty

Creating Supporting People To Lift You Up! #467a
I did a humorous post recently but I believe it is based on reality. I’ll let you decide, the post went like this
i INVITE YOU TO REREAD THAT! I am one of those fortunate people who have 6-8 people and more lifting me up while I’m living.
I designed a 21- day challenge being Unstoppable, to cause you to cause a team around you. We forget about the power of having a team to support you. We forget about the power of requests. I was going through some challenging times in the last year. I have lost 8 people, two of them were only 28-year-olds suicides and one 26-year-old was murdered. I was going through some difficulty with a landlord that didn’t tell us we rented a drug house. Ugh! I also lost my mother and Auntie during this time.
I needed to make requests for my community to help me. move three times. Pack me up, downsize me, put a garage sale on. Put stuff in storage, take stuff out of storage, unpack me, drive moving rental trucks.
You can imagine, at times I hardly could think clearly. I had people asking their friends to help me. I needed to make requests of others. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait till death for support.
If it wasn’t for the team and the structures a team provided, I don’t know where I would be today. One of the structures I have is at least 6 scheduled calls weekly with other people I’m working with. I also have several committed listeners that I talk to weekly on a scheduled call. That keeps me on track and supports me to deal with what I have to deal with. The committed listeners listen to my greatness and support me in moving forward. I also am on a few teams for different projects. I had people lifting me up when I had a hard time lifting myself up.
It took requests and allowed others to contribute to me. People I never met contributed to me and continue ongoingly to contribute to me.
On our own, we can produce limited results. With a team that’s where magic and miracles can happen. With a team, we can stumble, and make mistakes and they will catch us. The feeling of being valued, and loved is heartwarming.
Where in your life would you like to accomplish a project?
Where would you like to create a team of people to support you to accomplish a project?
I need to create a team of people to help create a birthday party bash for me on July 23rd at Port Kells Park in Langely. I also need to create a team to invite people to my actual birthday Friday on July 22nd, from 4 pm. to 6 p.m. pacific for all the out-of-town people and anyone who physically can’t come to Port Kells Park in Langley B.C.
Life is so rewarding when you have people that will lift you up.
Where in your life could you benefit by creating a team? What area of life could you use as a team? What is important to you that if you created a team it would be awesome?
Go for it! I want on my gravestone she burned out instead of rusted out! What do you want them to say about you?
Ask yourself are your actions and speaking are in alignment with what you are committed to? Look at what are the habitual patterns that have that commitment thwarted? Are you willing to take responsibility for when it doesn’t go the way you want or the way you expected and clean up your part? Are you willing to let go of Expectations of yourself and others? What are you not being truthful about to yourself and others?
Our thoughts can be like a junk drawer-we need to take inventory and get rid of what is not useful! (wendy b)
I want to personally hear about your dreams and goals. I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out. I give a complimentary discovery session to people who let me know they left a five-star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on iTunes, google plus, blubrry the podcast providers I use. Just hit the button subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5.!
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Anything that is said on this podcast and anything said before or after are from my views only.
Thanks for Listening!
Wendy B
I support women when facing adversity to Reclaim Their Power bringing them more clarity, confidence, and joy. Also, I share my 40 years of experience of being a successful entrepreneur while raising two children who are now adults.
Wendy Bergen
International renowned Transformational Solution Coach, Author
Motivational Speaker, podcaster: Thriving at Sixty
Certified Reclaim Your Power (RYP) Workshop, Leader
Transformational Coach transforming your perception of yourself and others one conversation at a time.
Best selling Author of “Getting Unstuck,” 30 Ways to turn YOUR limiting barriers into clarity, freedom and power
Dare, Dream, Dance, Smile, and Sing Loudly!
Confidence is key, once you have that you are an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE!
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