Thriving at sixty

Does Focus & Manifesting Work! #465
How do I discover my limits around finances? I have been in a recent inquiry discovering my blind spots and what is limiting me around finances. I always find being in an inquiry very useful. I’ve been in this inquiry for about five months. First I started the inquiry by being in a book study with the book “Financial Recovery” by Karen McCall. By doing the exercises I uncovered things that I had forgotten but my subconscious didn’t. Out of seeing that, I saw I made up money was dirty – you have to keep money as a secret. I got to see patterns that followed those conversations that shape my life. I saw, why would I hold onto money out of that discovery.
Being in that inquiry I decided to take all those things I made up into a session with a Rapid Transformational Therapist Julie Cocharane. I wanted to heal some of the childhood trauma around secrets around money that I had totally forgotten about. I was given hush money as a child to keep secrets. That session has opened up a lot of freedom for me. Then still being in the inquiry I just completed the money seminar with Landmark Worldwide, and now I’m in another book study with others reading the book you were “Born to be Rich” by Bob Proctor.
What is starting to open up for me is I have been given more opportunities in the last five months to manifest income than I have in the last ten years. I certainly believe that what you focus on can manifest be it the good or the bad.
If you focus on your problems they will manifest, If you focus on the solutions they will manifest
The game I’m playing is that by August 31st, 2022, I manifest an awesome home that has soundproofing between the walls and floors, is pet friendly, quiet inside and outside, and quiet from outside traffic. The grounds are well kept. The inside is sunny and spacious and private. I can open the windows to let a breeze inside and I only hear mother nature. I’m also manifesting taking the limits off my finances so anything is possible. That is why I’m in the financial inquiry I am in and doing the groundwork for the last five months.
I just invested in a program called Stageplot a twelve-week program that could possibly get me in front of some influential people. I have an interesting past where I have learned to be resilient repeatedly. The owner of this school has known me for a few years. She said wouldn’t it be great if we could create a TV series about your life. That intrigued me, I always admired Oprah Winfrey/ I know I make a difference in the world already but with a T.V. show you have a bigger audience. It’s all about the possibility I figure I would invest in myself and see what happens.
What are the actions you could take to manifest what you say you want?
What are your resources? When you look around who could be a resource for you?
Who could you ask to manifest with you to make your goal happen?