Thriving at sixty

Thriving at sixty

R U willing to let go & Let God #442

September 27, 2021

Sometimes in life, we have times where we are going through challenges; It seems that at those times we must be willing to let go and Let God. In the last 6 months, I have gone through three deaths of young people. Two suicides one in my family the other in a girlfriend’s family, and one young person murdered outside our home. I have had to pack up and move three times. One move for my sanity and safety. Put stuff in storage, take stuff out of storage. Rent moving trucks. Create teams of people to help me move. Reduce what I own and put articles on sale at garage sales and let go of articles that once meant a lot to me. Create teams of people to help me do that. I have had to let go of some relationships because they were emotionally not healthy for me. I had to still keep working and slow down so that I could catch my breath. While going through all this I learned and am still learning. There is a lot of grief when you are dealing with this amount of emotional happenings. Here is a list of some things you need to do to stay grounded.

take care of yourself – Be gentle with yourself

Communicate responsibly – Being Vulnerable

Make bold powerful Requests – Asking for what you want

Staying in gratitude

Prayer & meditation -Grant Forgiveness

Prioritizing – Allow Yourself to Grieve

Keep Sharing with others so you know you are not alone. Grief is a process

Here are some questions my friend and Grief Coach (Jennifer Waugh) gets you to ask yourself

Have you ever experienced the death of a spouse?Have you experienced the death of a close family member?Have you experienced the death of a distant family member?Do you harbor any resentments or ill feelings towards adeceased parent, spouse, friend, or relative?Do you have strained or painful relationships with a livingparent, spouse, or friend?Have you ever been married or divorced?Have you ever had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion?Have you experienced a major change in your financialsituation? (Positive or Negative)Did you ever have a pet die?Have you been involved in a long series of unsuccessfulrelationships?Do you have long stretches of your childhood that you cannotremember?Have you ever experienced a series of illnesses and accidents?Were you physically abused as a child or as an adult?Were you sexually abused as a child or as an adult?Have you ever experienced the loss or the use or the function ofany part of your body?Did you graduate from high school or from college?Have you ever quit or been fired from a job?Did you move more than twice before the age of 10?Yes NoEvents that may be Causing You GriefYES NO

Go for it!  I want on my gravestone she burned out instead of rusted out!  What do you want them to say about you?Ask yourself are your actions and speaking in alignment with what you are committed to? Look at what are the habitual patterns that have that commitment thwarted?  Are you willing to take responsibility for when it doesn’t go the way you want or the way you expected and clean up your part? Are you willing to let go of Expectations of yourself and others?  What are you not being truthful about to yourself and others?Our thoughts can be like a junk drawer-we need to take inventory and get rid of what is not useful! (wendy b)I want to personally hear about your dreams and goals.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out.  I will call people who let me know they left a five-star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on iTunes,