Thriving HSP Podcast | HSP | Empath | Introvert | Business |Marketing

Thriving HSP Podcast | HSP | Empath | Introvert | Business |Marketing

TH 001: Being Brave with Berni Xiong

September 10, 2015

This podcast is brought to you by Thriving Business Club.
If you are a highly sensitive, empath and/or introvert entrepreneur and you want to build a life and business on your own terms, then this podcast is for you!
In this episode I want to introduce you to Berni Xiong, author of The Year of the Brave Bear: Speak Up. Stand Out. Change Your World.
We talk about what it means to be brave, courgageous and what the difference betwwen being brave and fearless. 
To find out how you can submit your review to be drafted to win a Kindle book by Berni Xiong, called The Year Of The Brave Bear, go to