Influence By Design

Influence By Design

Latest Episodes

110: Creating Your Online Program
September 04, 2019

Creating an online program is a fantastic way to leverage your time, and income.   However, creating a program, stops a lot of people in their tracks because they don’t know where to begin.   In this episode, Tim and I discuss...

109: Broadcast Your Authority Through Video with Tamara Thompson
September 01, 2019

Building your personal brand requires you to catch the attention of your prospects and have them want to learn more about you and what you have to offer.  The success of building your brand depends on how you connect with your audience. Tamara...

108: Self Reflection As A Business Growth Tool
August 28, 2019

Every now and then, things don’t go our way. During these moments, we may feel like we’ve reached the end of our patience. We want to pull our hair out!  And then lash out and shout aloud! Having a rant is something we all do from time to...

107: Outsourcing Secrets with Rosie Shilo
August 25, 2019

Running a business can be like running a marathon, especially if you’re wearing all the hats in your business.  But how can you move forward, if you can’t afford to take on a full-time employee? This is where virtual assistants come in. In...

106: The Importance of Having a Personal Brand
August 21, 2019

A personal brand is more than just a flashy logo or a good combination of colors.  “Your brand is what people say about you, when you’re not in the room” - Jeff Bezos It is your unique point of difference that sets you apart from everyone...

105: The Future Of Business with Andrew Griffiths
August 18, 2019

The only constant thing in the world is change. And your business needs to be able to adapt in order to survive.  In today’s episode I chat with Andrew Griffiths about how to keep your business relevant.  We share how important it is to...

104: Make Your Money Dreams a Reality with Katie Mongelli
August 15, 2019

If you want to achieve financial success, you need to establish a good relationship with money.  Have you ever noticed how you treat money?   Have you ever considered whether you have a harmonious connection with it? Today I’m joined by...

103: The One Hour Marketing Funnel
August 13, 2019

Marketing funnels, you may have heard of them. You may know you need them in your business.  But it sounds so complicated right? What exactly is a marketing funnel, and what does it do? In today’s #AskSamAndTim episode, we define what a...

102: Sell With More Ease And Less Sleaze with Susan McVea
August 11, 2019

It’s OK to be a sales person.  Yup, it really is… Most people are afraid of sales because they’re afraid of coming across like the pushy car salesmen from the 70’s. But it doesn’t have to be this way.  A lot of people think selling...

101: The Riches Are In The Niches with Tyson Franklin
August 08, 2019

When you know your target market, it’s much easier for you to determine their wants and needs, and creating focussed marketing.  Marketing to everyone means you’ll be likely heard by no-one. Tyson Franklin joins me today as we talk about...