Influence By Design

Influence By Design

Latest Episodes

280: How To Sell When You Think You Hate Selling with Kate Hore - Lacy
June 06, 2021

Sales are the lifeblood of business. But, let’s face it, not all business owners or entrepreneurs like selling. Some even cringe when they hear the word.  In this episode, Kate Hore-Lacy shares why sh

279: Coaching Over Cocktails with Joanne Hatchard
June 02, 2021

Are you wondering how to reach more clients on social media? Do you know how to optimize it for your business? You’re in the right place.  Joanne started her business in the middle of the pandemic. He

257: How to Maximise Your Visibility with Selena Soo
March 14, 2021

Getting publicity is more than just landing an interview or a published article. It’s about making a decision to step into your highest potential and purpose, and impacting the lives of others.  Publicity is about amplifying your work. When you...

256: Lead Generation Problems
March 10, 2021

When done right, lead magnets can attract many new leads to your business. However, some lead magnets don’t do their job. They don’t entice readers and website visitors to share their emails and become part of a database. But what really causes...

255: How To Create An Effective About Us Page with Kathryn Thompson
March 07, 2021

The About page is often the forgotten page. Many businesses forget that the About Us or About Me page is one of the most important in a website. It’s where people usually land when they enter your website. It introduces who you are, what you do,...

254: 7 List Growth Strategies
March 03, 2021

Keeping and growing an email contact list is important for various reasons. It provides leads for sales, customers for new products or programs and a feedback and networking pool. In spite of its importance, though, some businesses still don’t have...

253: The Million Dollar Mindset with Jackson Millan
February 28, 2021

Everyone wants financial freedom. However, many people believe that to get to this goal, you must work hard.  In this episode, Jackson debunks the myth that hard work always leads to wealth. You don’t necessarily need to put in a lot of effort...

252: Quick Cash Injections
February 25, 2021

With the year just starting, many business owners are working on large projects to roll out during the rest of the year. But many of these projects take time, and sometimes need a quick cash injection to get them up and running sooner. In this...

251: Handling Business Through Change Of Life with Cathy Carr
February 22, 2021

All women go through it, but many of us don’t talk about it. We shy away from discussing how our hormones affect our daily lives. We avoid talking about peri-menopause and menopause, and how it changes our physiology, cognitive and emotional states....

250: 6 Revenue Models
February 17, 2021

As a business owner, you need to make money. However, you may be using just one revenue model, and missing other opportunities. This means you’re limiting your earning potential.   In this episode, we share 6 revenue models that you can...