Influence By Design

Influence By Design

Latest Episodes

Preparing For The Unknown In Business
June 08, 2022

Life is full of uncertainties and there will be moments when unforeseen events affect your business. In this episode, Samantha and Tim discuss a crucial topic every entrepreneur must know - preparing

How To Relieve Imposter Syndrome and Own Your Power with Spencer Snakard
June 06, 2022

Have you ever had the feeling of not being enough? Even though you’ve achieved success in various aspects of life, limiting beliefs have still crept in? In this episode, we discuss how to relieve impo

Business Building Through Connections with Gary Schuller
June 01, 2022

Connections are the driving force for all businesses. Although some business owners focus too much on making a sale; they overlook the value of nurturing relationships. In this episode, we’ll share in

Leverage Podcasts to Boost Authority with Lyndsay Phillips
May 30, 2022

Podcasting is a great way to build brand awareness and authority. However, it can also be a waste of time when you don’t have a strategy to grow your brand and your business. In this episode, we’ll re

How To Build A Successful Coaching Business - Mic Takeover with Con Koutsikas
May 25, 2022

Becoming a successful coach is not just about having a lot of experience or being an expert in the field. It's also about having the right skills and traits. In this episode of the Influence By Design

Create A Life You Love with Natalie Ledwell
May 23, 2022

Just when you think you have life all figured out, something happens and throws you for a loop. When you're not sure what to do next, what do you do? There are many resources available to you to help

How Life Experiences Shape Business - Mic Takeover with Danielle Chiel
May 18, 2022

Each of us goes through different phases in life. These experiences encourage self-reflection and help us better understand what others endure. In this episode, Danielle Chiel takes over the mic and i

Building Social Trust with Deb Coman
May 16, 2022

In this episode of the Influence By Design podcast, Samantha engages in an interesting conversation with Deb Coman, a content conversion strategist. Deb defines social trust as the “relationship curre

Why You Need A Referral Strategy
May 11, 2022

In this episode of the Influence By Design podcast, Samantha and Tim throw light on a topic every business owner should know - why you need a referral strategy. For full show notes, links and transcr

Courage, Alignment And Clarity - Mic Takeover with Tina Murray
May 09, 2022

In this episode of Influence By Design, Tina Murray takes over the mic and interviews Samantha about how to have the courage and clarity in order to fully live life in alignment. For full show notes