This Week in Mormons

3/8 – Multi-Level RootsTech
Church’s First Ever Global Youth Activity
Elder Rasband tells members in the Philippines to ‘REdedicate their lives” in preparation for the temples being built
Elder Uchtdorf recalls the two times he had to flee to a new country and the challenges he faced.
Giving Machines Changed Millions of Lives in 2024—Here Are the Final Numbers
The Latest Temple News from the Church of Jesus Christ
Related Southwest corner of Temple Square to reopen
Utah Christians — from Catholics to Lutherans to Latter-day Saints — begin countdown to Easter. A Post for Ash Wednesday.
Residents of Pinesdale, a Montana town founded decades ago by fundamentalist Mormons, are suing for the land they say rightfully belongs to them; the breakaway church maintains it was never theirs.
Managing Stress and Anxiety - the Church’s ‘Caring’ instagram page
A former branch president with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been charged with the rape of a teenager.
MATT: Famous Mormons:
Which Famous Mormon had his name dropped to President Trump this week?
Michael T. Benson (President West Virginia University)
Mike Leach (American football coach)
Danny Ainge (Basketball)
Celebrities Who Have Opened Up About Growing Up Mormon: Katherine Heigl, Ryan Gosling, More
Big/Little/No Deal:
Tariffs. And Their Arch-Apostle
The debate over BYU Professors and orthodoxy isn’t over yet.
Newest LDS apostle says porn addicts can kick their habit through professional help and Jesus’ love
Toxic Perfectionism in perspective: Latter-day Saints' unique outlook
Pew study shows how Latter-day Saints’ political and social views have — and have not — shifted in the past 20 years
Utah Explains: What the Heck is “Mormon Cuisine”?
By bringing in a slew of 5-star prospects with no connection to Utah or the LDS church, BYU basketball has shown how quickly a school can change its standing in the modern era of college sports.
The Bachelor comes to Star Valley, Wyoming. Related. related.
Mormon Wives Star Jessi Ngatikaura Documents $2K+ Nose Job After Being Insecure About It During Filming.
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Star Mayci Neeley to Share 'Juicy Play-by-Play' in New Memoir Told You So.
This Week in Mormon History:
80 years ago - Feb 28, 1944
[David O. McKay]
Later, I went over to the Temple and instructed the [First] Presidency to take steps to have more reverence in the Temple. To that end suggested: first, the removal of the desk in the Celestial Room; second, not to have witnesses to marriages enter Celestial Room in street clothing; third, it will be well to consider the advisability of the General Authorities who perform marriages to be dressed in white.
90 years ago - End of February 1935
[J. Reuben Clark]
Tithing-Death Benefit.
It is the intention of the First Presidency to give, as a matter of aid and reward for faithfulness, from and after January 1, 1936, to one or more or all of the faithful Church members of the family of a deceased tithe-payer dying after January 1, 1936, an amount equal to one-tenth (1/10) of the tithing paid by such deceased tithe-payer after January 1, 1935.
The First Presidency may change, modify, or discontinue the plan and practice thereof in whole or as to any individual case if wisdom or the necessities of the Church seem in their opinion to make such a course desirable.
175 years ago - Feb 28, 1850
Originally named the University of Deseret, the University of Utah is the oldest state university west...