This Week in Mormons

This Week in Mormons

5/25 – Spanish Stake Flex, Sister Missionaries Play Soccer, & Bryce Harper PROM

May 25, 2024

The podcast episode featured various stories, starting with a tragic incident involving a senior missionary couple from San Antonio who passed away in a car accident. The episode also highlighted the creation of Utah's first Spanish language stake by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, emphasizing the benefits of leadership development and community unity. Additionally, the episode discussed the impact of missionary service on the BYU soccer team, showcasing the stability and maturity return missionaries bring. The story of a high school student seeking a prom date from baseball player Bryce Harper added a light-hearted touch. Furthermore, the episode covered the unique Dungeons and Dragons group therapy program offered by BYU's Counseling and Psychological Services, providing students with a creative approach to mental health support. Overall, the episode offered a mix of heartwarming, informative, and intriguing stories from various realms.

00:00:00 - Introduction to the podcast and sponsor
00:01:11 - Life update from Sarah Jorgensen
00:09:01 - Devastating news about senior missionary couple
00:12:13 - Bishop Caussé's pioneer values for stewardship
00:15:45 - Creation of Utah's first Spanish language stake
00:24:11 - Tribute to retiring seminary teacher Lori Sandahl
00:31:43 - BYU soccer coach Jennifer Rockwood's impact of missionary service
00:35:16 - BYU softball player Jocelyn Erickson's achievements
00:38:45 - Olympic athlete Clayton Young's podcast interview
00:43:42 - Bryce Harper's prom proposal assistance
00:45:52 - BYU's Dungeons and Dragons group therapy program
