This Week in Astrology

This Week in Astrology

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This Week in Astrology 105 -- 3-30-09
March 30, 2009

A relationship-challenging Venus-Pluto square is this week's headliner, followed closely by a Mercury-Sun conjunction and an "Energizer Bunny" Mars-Saturn opposition. (Pluto also goes retrograde, but I don't generally get too concerned about outer planet

This Week in Astrology 104 -- 3-23-09
March 21, 2009

An Aries New Moon provides strong kick-start energy this week. Other notable sky events include Mercury's entry into Aries, the Sun and Mercury both squaring Pluto, and the same two planets conjuncting retrograde Venus! Part 2 features a broad variety of

This Week in Astrology 103 -- 3-16-09
March 14, 2009

The Spring Equinox (the Sun's entry into Aries) highlights the week, with a Mars-Pluto sextile and an intuitively flashing Mercury-Uranus conjunction adding their own brands of awakening! Saturn's conjunction to Mercury and quincunx to Jupiter round out t

This Week in Astrology 102 -- 3-9-09
March 08, 2009

An intense Full Moon in Virgo tops the bill this week. A Sun-Uranus conjunction throws a wild card into the deck, Mars' entry into Pisces radiates a "peaceful warrior" vibe, and a Venus-Jupiter sextile helps promote relationship harmony. A content-rich Pa

This Week in Astrology 101 -- 3-2-09
March 01, 2009

Venus Retrograde, always a testing time for relationships, is the week's top transit. There's also a flurry of conjunctions in late Aquarius involving Mercury, Mars, Chiron and Neptune. The Sun-Saturn opposition is definitely worth noting, as is the trans

This Week in Astrology 100 -- 2-23-09
February 22, 2009

Perhaps it's the dark of the New Moon in Pisces that's making Mercury so nervous -- the winged messenger is skittering about and aspecting four different planets this week! Also, we announce the winner of a free 100-minute consultation with Benjamin -- to

This Week in Astrology 99 -- 2-16-09
February 17, 2009

The conjunction of Astrology's two main initiators -- Mars and Jupiter -- highlights the week. Relationship harmony is potentially amplified by a Venus-Mars sextile, and the Sun enters Pisces (and sextiles Pluto!). And this week's Listener Question of the

This Week in Astrology 98 - 2-9-09
February 08, 2009

An intense FULL MOON/LUNAR ECLIPSE kicks off the week (and wait until you hear its wild Sabian Symbol!). A spiritualizing Sun-Neptune conjunction and Mercury's entry into Aquarius -- which makes six planets and a node in Aquarius at the same time! -- roun

This Week in Astrology 97 - 2-2-09
February 02, 2009

One of the year's most powerful transits -- the second of five paradigm-shifting SATURN-URANUS OPPOSITIONS -- perfects this week. The challenging nature of the week is further exemplified by Venus entering Aries and squaring Pluto. Fortunately, we have Sp

This Week in Astrology 96 - 1-26-09
January 25, 2009

A powerful NEW MOON/SOLAR ECLIPSE leads off the week, accompanied by a truly bizarre Sabian Symbol! We'll also discuss THE END OF MERCURY RETROGRADE, as well as Mercury joining up with a waning WEDGE and aspecting Venus and Mars. We'll also look at how Me