This Week in Astrology

This Week in Astrology

Latest Episodes

This Week in Astrology #125 - 8-17-09
August 17, 2009

There is such an orgy of transits this week -- about 20 of them! -- it's hard to know which one to feature. Every planet, Sun thru Pluto, is playing its part in an astrological Mahler symphony! I will mention a New Moon in Leo and two yods ("Fingers of Go

This Week in Astrology #124 - 8-10-09
August 10, 2009

Mars is this week's headliner: he trines the Three Aquarians (Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter) throughout the week, and breathes life into the long-running Saturn-Uranus opposition with a challenging T-Square. Also noteworthy are the Sun's oppositions to Jupi

This Week in Astrology #123 -- 8-3-09
August 03, 2009

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse -- the third eclipse in five weeks! -- is the uncontested headliner this week. But I should probably also mention that Mercury's making soft aspects to Pluto and Venus. Part 2 is content-rich this week -- good thing too, since th

This Week in Astrology #122 -- 7-27-09
July 27, 2009

Venus is a busy lady this week: she trines the Three Aquarians (Neptune, Chiron & Jupiter), squares Uranus, enters Cancer and opposes Pluto! (Do you think maybe this will trigger some relationship issues?) Mercury is running a close second, opposing t

This Week in Astrology #121 -- 7-20-09
July 17, 2009

A powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse headlines the week. We also discuss a relationship-testing Venus-Saturn square, a communicative Mercury-Mars sextile, a union offering new hope and healing (Jupiter-Chiron conjunction), the Sun's entry into its home sign

This Week in Astrology #119 -- 7-6-09
July 13, 2009

An intense Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon highlights the week, but it's far from the only game in town: Mars also squares the Three Aquarians and enters Gemini, and Jupiter and Neptune make a potent conjunction! In Part 2 we announce another free consultation wi

This Week in Astrology #120 -- 7-13-09
July 13, 2009

The Sun and Mercury open the week with a mind-stimulating conjunction, then dive immediately into intense aspects with the Three Aquarians (Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter) and Uranus. Mercury also enters Leo, while both Mercury and Mars quincunx Pluto! In Pa

This Week in Astrology #118 -- 6-29-09
June 28, 2009

Uranus goes retrograde and semi-sextiles Jupiter this week, and also plays a supporting role as Venus and Mercury make strong aspects to the "Three Aquarians" (Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter). We also have sign changes from Mercury and Venus, a Mercury-Pluto

This Week in Astrology #117 -- 6-22-09
June 22, 2009

A New Moon in Cancer, spiced by an opposition to Pluto, arrives on the heels of last week's Summer Solstice. And Saturn is a busy Stern Taskmaster this week, as he receives trines from Venus and Mars, a square from Mercury and a conjunction with Ceres! Pa

This Week in Astrology #116 -- 6-15-09
June 15, 2009

Jupiter goes retrograde this week, the Summer Solstice arrives (Sun entering Cancer), and Venus and Mars conjoin again after a two-month separation. Plus, the Sun aspects the Three Aquarians and Uranus, and activates a T-Square with Uranus and Pluto! Part