This Week in Astrology

This Week in Astrology

This Week in Astrology #324, 8/12/13: Breakthrough Time!

August 11, 2013

Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square Peaks * 5 Mercury aspects * Spiritually Focused Live Listener Consultation * Venus enters Libra * More!

Listen to This Week in Astrology now

breakthrough-image-300x199.jpgIt’s breakthrough time as we hit the peak of a potent Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square. You have abundant support in transcending limitations!

Be mindful of your communication as Mercury makes five aspects (most of them challenging). There’s also a touch of harmony as Venus enters Libra.

Our Live Listener Consultation with Kathy addresses her issues of failure and lack of direction. I help her see how these self-judgments are based on other people's expectations, whereas her chart actually supports the kind of life she's living! This session also has a strong focus on spirituality and awakening.

Hear all about this and more by clicking the large link above, or go to to learn about getting the show through iTunes. (We love it when you subscribe through iTunes!)

Overview: 2:00
Monday: 3:08
Tuesday: 3:29
Wednesday: 4:39
Thursday: 7:53
Friday: 7:58
Saturday: 9:30
Sunday: 10:22
Next Week's Aspects: 11:27
Announcements: 13:37
Benjamin's Bicycle Wreck Story: 14:52
Live Listener Consultation (Kathy, 12/20/50, 1:38 am, Kalamazoo, MI): 25:24

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May the stars light your way,

Benjamin Bernstein

Astrologer/Shamanic Healer

Contact me

"You got right to the heart of what I’m dealing with, and gave me such wonderful tools to work with all the craziness in my life right now. Very empowering!"
     -- Janet Edwards, Chattanooga, TN

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