This Mom Loves

This Mom Loves

Ep 47: Marcy D’Alessandro with Fundraising Tips and Tricks

March 11, 2020

Marcy D'Alessandro, Chair of the PRHC Mombassadors, is here sharing fundraising ups and downs, tips and tricks and a pile of ideas that might help you raise money for your cause! We're also talking about a couple of fun upcoming events for the Mombasadors, including their Girls Night Out: A Night in Nashville ( Peterborough!)

Marcy is also the unofficial Prime Minister of the This Mom Loves fan club...a longtime supporter! We talk about more personal connections in our chat too, and you have to check out the amazing event Marcy organized recently for International Women's Day, so a small group of women could make a big difference! (I was there too!)

Also in this episode:

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

My new bracelet collaboration:

This Mom Loves x Hidden Gems by Raquel

My treadmill desk:

You can find the PRHC Mombassadors on Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks to my fantastic podcast editor, Lukas Wojcicki!