This Awful Podcast

Latest Episodes
043 – Oops, All Bits and Breaks!
A gift from us to you - a collection of bits, breaks, flubs, with extra helpings of Chris yelling. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals! @thisawfulpod @chriscaesar @actuallynotmike thisawfulpodca
Short: Christopher Columbus Was a Whiny Bitch
A short one from 2019, where we read a brilliantly-written opinion piece about the merits of Christopher Columbus, from one of our city's esteemed newspapers, the Boston Herald. Afterwards, enjoy a
041 – Heard That One Before
Now that Chris and Mike are out of jail (big misunderstanding) (you should see the other guys) (theyre dead) (just kidding!) (unless?), were coming downtown to pod town for a whole new season of the
040 – pretty bad, brother
Two unreleased clips here - one where Chris recalls his brush with Scientology, and one where we listen to some Flat Earth psycho's crazy song. We finish up with a classic clip..... the one where we get owned. Enjoy.
039 – Dunkin’ on Duncan: The Director’s Cut
Hey there everyone - We are very pleased to introduce the extended cut of a favorite of ours! In 2018 we interviewed a Qanon honk named Duncan. Our phonecall with him ran pretty absurdly long so most of it ended up on the cutting room floor,
038 – OK, Clip Show
Hi. Wow, this 2020 thing has been a real hoot, right gang? Enjoy this throwback to Thanksgiving 2019 when whiny boomer a very respectable and tough combat veteran named Drew Bennett wrote into the Baltimore Sun to answer the hot topic on everyone's...
037 – The Wretched Inspector
**Whoops! We lost this episode in between the seats. If some topics are dated, well, youre dated, how about that!!??! Hello friends. Be wretched with us as we discuss: Metaphysics with a real-l
036 – Any Anons Interested In Meeting Up For Some Caroling?
Do you know John Lennon's classic tune, "So This Is Christmas?" He was singing it about our podcast, baby, Chris gets a concussion (no funeral please) We interview posting God @muellerdad69 (now @TonyBeast1957) about his death and resurrection post...
035 – More Like Scrooge McFuck, imo kids wanna see a dead body? Well here's the next best thing! * The View is shit and the world is a fuck, no surprises there* Michael Bloomberg: Not a billionaire....but a billion-CARE* Your incredibly stupid voicemails featuring bad opinions ...
034 – First Stanford, Now Meatballs
Ehhhhhh, atsamattafayou, huh?? In this episode we talk about: Thanksgiving and our families (big and small) SPOILER ALERT! MIKE IS ITALIAN!!!!!!!! LOLObama reportedly telling close advisors privately that if Bernie Sanders had a strong lead going in...