This [whole]istic Life

This [whole]istic Life

Latest Episodes

Energy Shifts, Nightworkers and Having Faith
March 01, 2019

Feeling a little "off"? Having lots of Dejá Vu? Not sleeping well? Then you may going through some energy shifts. Join Mindie and Lana as they discuss how heavenly events, such as Full, New Super Moons, and Solar Flares can affect intuitive or...

Ep 003 - What the Full Moon?
February 19, 2019

What the Full Moon is this? Today's Super Snow Moon is predicated to be the largest and brightest full moon of the year! We've all heard how the full moon can make kids and the elderly act a little wild, but how do YOU feel during a full moon? Do you...

Ep 002 - Energy and You
February 13, 2019

This week we are talking about positive and negative vibes, gut feelings or better known as ENERGY! What do we mean when we talk about energy? How does energy affect your daily life? Is having bad vibes just an easy excuse to check out of our...

Ep 001 - Who Are We, Goals & New Year's Resolutions
February 03, 2019

Welcome to the brand sparkly new podcast "This [whole]istic Life! This week co hosts Mindie and Lana are introducing themselves and giving a little bit of background on their own story and why they feel passionate about wellness. Also, the ladies are...