This Grit and Grace Life

This Grit and Grace Life

You Don’t Have to Stay Stuck Anymore – 160

April 13, 2021

Life ebbs and flows. Some days are filled with excitement and hope. Then there are others where you feel just plain “meh.” When the mundane feeling lingers beyond a few days, it’s time to ask yourself if you’ve become stagnant. Since we all face these emotional roadblocks, we wanted to tackle them.

The first thing Darlene Brock and Julie Bender share is a simple way to determine if you’re in an actual rut. Then, if so, how to begin the battle forward, reminding you to give yourself much-needed grace as you determine why you’re feeling this way. Next, they suggest an exercise you can use today to help you get back on track. This episode is the perfect balance of “you got this” and a reminder that sometimes it’s okay to “just be” —basically, the unique blend of grit and grace for your current place.

Viewing in an app? Full show notes here!
Articles We Mentioned or Know You'll Love
This Is How to Avoid Stagnation and Get More out of Life
Stuck In a Rut? Here’s How to Get Some Perspective
7 Tips for Taking Life One Bite at a Time
Quote of the episode:

"Be bold and just be you and tap into your grit and grace" - Julie Bender

Check out these related episodes:  Now Is the Time for a Reset – 152 and Don’t Start the New Year Stuck in a Rut – 021