This Grit and Grace Life

This Grit and Grace Life

Julie Graham’s Untold Story of Heartbreak, Healing and Hope – 101

September 17, 2019

Every woman’s story is unique. So is the road she's traveled while discovering her inner strength, her grit, and her grace. We don’t always tell these stories, perhaps the hurt is still present or we fear what others may think. But sharing is what often encourages others and offers hope to them when they, too, find themselves in hard places. That is why, this week, our bubbly, quit-witted co-host, Julie Graham, shares the full story of one part of her life. You’ve heard a bit of her traumatic childhood and the unexpected passing of her husband. But this week she goes deeper, telling of the heartbreak and hurt she experienced during her marriage and how she’s rediscovered herself as healing came. Her mentor and co-host, Darlene Brock, beautifully walks her through these hard conversations, as she did when they happened real-time. As Julie often says, her life is proof that nothing is outside of the grace of a personal God; he will always give you the grit you need to not only endure but to flourish. We invite you to listen to her story and to her heart. Our desire is as you do, you will find the strength that you need, looking toward your time of healing and believing it will come. If you know someone who needs to hear this story, one of heartbreak and hope, please share. It is our prayer that together we can learn to live out each day with both grit and grace.

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