This Grit and Grace Life

This Grit and Grace Life

Great Friends: 9 Qualities to Be One and Find One – 031

March 13, 2018

Looking for a friend, or even better, a really good one? We need people who will love us throughout the highs and lows of our lives, encouraging us when we're strong, carrying us when we're weak. What kind of friend do you want to be? What kind of qualities make a friendship meaningful and strong? Darlene and Julie, girlfriends who cross generational lines, talk about relationships they cherish and why, and practical ways you can be this kind of friend.

Viewing in an app? Full show notes here.

Once you're done with this episode, you'll want to go back and listen to Grit, Grace & Girlfriends: How to Make Healthy Relationships – 003.

You'll find the list of the qualities discussed in this episode detailed in the first article link below!
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