Third Pod from the Sun
Third Pod Presents: Sci & Tell - Rafael Loureiro on Space Plants
Rafael Loureiro may confess to being an introvert, but he has no fear of people. He started off talking about AGU’s Voices for Science initiative, which he is participating in this year to develop his science communication and policy skills. That segued into his personal philosophy going back to his upbringing and study in Brazil. What makes a scientist a scientist, in Rafael’s view, is their commitment to serving people and connecting to them in personal, meaningful ways. After a challenging transition to the US, where he had no network, he landed a job and taught his first class. He now passes on challenges to his students at Winston-Salem State U. First class taught in USA: teaching completely different culture, and different teaching modes - pass on content in the best way possible, getting to know students, understanding their needs, knowing students on a personal level.
This episode was produced and mixed by Shane M Hanlon. Special thanks to Jordana Schmierer for production assistance.