Think It. Make It. Podcast

Think it. Make it. Podcast Episode #001 – Welcome To The Podcast
I am very excited to put this podcast together for you fellow CNC’ers in the world. The CNC and 3D printing industry has been a passion of mine for a very long time and after launching several other podcasts in my past relating to various topics, I decided that it was time to launch a show for fellow CNC enthusiasts, makers, beginners and professionals.
I am the Director of STEPCRAFT, Inc. located in Torrington, CT and while my obvious primary focus when it comes to hardware is STEPCRAFT, my intentions with this podcast is to make sure we have information, stories and advice that applies to anyone interested in CNC, no matter what equipment that you use.
My first few episodes start off with interviews with STEPCRAFT customers, and yes, the do talk about their machine, but please don’t let that deter you if you own a different machine. It is their stories and how they use their machines that is important and informative. Sure, if I had my way, everyone would own a STEPCRAFT CNC, but I know that there are many options in the industry and I want this podcast to be about the applications, projects, and other general information that will appeal to everyone.
I want this to be YOUR podcast! So PLEASE send me emails and comments letting me know what you would like to hear on future episodes and if you would like me to address specific questions, please let me know!
Thank you again for taking the time to have a listen and I hope that you will become a regular listener.
-Erick Royer Director Stepcraft, Inc.