Thinking Christianly

Thinking Christianly

#18: Why it Matters That Jesus Was Really and Fully Human

December 15, 2022

In this podcast we discuss why the Incarnation is so important, and how the ever-present idea of Gnosticism impacts our view of the incarnation of Christ. We discuss why Christians should reject the view that the material world is evil, and how to embrace the material world in a God-honoring way.

In this podcast we discuss:

  • Why does it matter that Jesus came to earth as a human person?
  • How can a shift in our understanding about the incarnation help us participate in the miraculous works of Christ in our everyday lives?
  • What is Gnosticism and why does our response to gnostic ideas matter?
  • How do some private “revelations” from God fit into a gnostic worldview? What are the dangers of private revelations of Scripture?
  • In what ways has Gnosticism impacted our Christian subculture?
  • Why is it important to make distinctions between the use or abuse of gifts given by God?
  • How can Christianity dignify the appreciation and study of and material world?
  • What are a few of the many implications for Christians who embrace a view that the material world is bad and should be escaped?
  • How can physical space orient a worshiper and point to the connections between the physical and spiritual world?

Resources mentioned during our conversation: