Thinking Christianly

Thinking Christianly

#5: Can We Trust the Bible Completely?

August 15, 2021

In this episode we discuss what it means that the Christian Scriptures are “without error.” With appropriate nuance and caveats given, the concept of biblical inerrancy is supported with the use of reason and logical argumentation. JP and Stan also discuss some of the false and/or poorly reasoned arguments made both for and against inerrancy.

In this podcast we discuss:

What the position on Scripture referred to as “inerrancy” entails.
Why the inerrancy of Scripture is essential for human flourishing and the common good.
Evaluating the claim, “Christianity is really just about a relationship with God, not these types of issues.”
How to engage skeptics in conversation about inerrancy.
Bad arguments both for and against inerrancy.
Understanding the distinction between reasoned certainty, spiritual certainty, and psychological certainty.
The strongest argument in defense of inerrancy.

Resources mentioned during our conversation:

Dr. J. P. Moreland’s journal article on inerrancy
Dr. Stan Wallace’s blog series on inerrancy
Norman Giesler (editor), Inerrancy

21st century updated edition

Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy with Exposition
Additional resource not mentioned but helpful:

Inerrancy and Evangelicals: The Challenge for a New Generation
J. Merrick & Stephen M. Garrett, eds., Five Views of Biblical Inerrancy
Norman Geisler, A Review of Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy