Thinking Christianly

#36 – “Neurotheology’s Wrong Assumption About our Mental Life”: Chapter 3 of Have We Lost Our Minds?
In this episode, we continue our series by engaging Chapter 3 of Stan’s new book, Have We Lost Our Minds? Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing.
In this episode, we discuss:
- What do neurotheologians get wrong about identity?
- How can understanding identity help us understand neural events and mental events?
- What properties belong to the mind that do not belong to the brain?
- What are the key differences between reductive and non-reductive physicalism?
- Does the physicalist anthropology make a difference in how we view human persons?
Resources and Citations:
- Find out more about Have We Lost Our Minds?
- Get the introduction to the book for free on the Global Scholars website.
- A printable group discussion guide can be found here.