Thinking Christianly

Latest Episodes
#37 – J.P.’s Return and Reflections on His Foreword to Have We Lost Our Minds?
J.P. rejoins the podcast! In this episode, he shares good news about his health and reflects on why he was eager to write the Foreword to Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul
#36 – “Neurotheology’s Wrong Assumption About our Mental Life”: Chapter 3 of Have We Lost Our Minds?
In this episode, we continue our series by engaging Chapter 3 of Stans new book, Have We Lost Our Minds? Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing.In this episode, we discuss:What
#35 – “The Bible and the Soul”: Chapter 2 of Have We Lost Our Minds?
In this episode, we continue our series by engaging Chapter 2 of Stans new book, Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing.In this episode, we discuss:What
#34 – “Neuroscience, Neurotheology, and the Soul”: Chapter 1 of Have We Lost Our Minds?
In this episode, we continue our series by engaging Chapter 1 of Stans new book, Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing. - In this episode, we discuss:
#33 – An Introduction to Have We Lost Our Minds?
In this episode, we kick off a new series by engaging the introduction of Stans new book, Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing. - In this episode, we
#32 – Having Better Conversations by Avoiding Logical Fallacies
J.P, Stan, and Jordan discuss how to have better conversations. They discuss how three informal fallacies (the Red Herring Fallacy, the Genetic Fallacy, and the Ad Hominem Fallacy) can shut down healt
#31 – Understanding Free Will and Living Well
Stan, JP, and Jordan delved deeper into the concepts of libertarian free will, compatibilism, and determinism, extending their discussion beyond theological topics to many other important issues.In t
#30 – How is One Saved? Calvinist and Arminian Answers
In a gracious spirit J.P., Stan, and Jordan discuss the points of agreement and disagreement between the Calvinist and Arminian views of salvation (summarized in Calvinist theology by the acronym TULI
#29 – What Does It Mean To Be Free?
This is our first episode in a series about Free Will, Compatibilism, and Determinism. Stan, JP, and Jordan start by clearing up some of the major confusions that plague this conversation. They share
#28 – Christmas, Advent, and Living in Light of the Incarnation
J.P., Stan, and Jordan discuss engaging the Christmas story as thinking Christians and ways to live in light of the hope that the Incarnation brings. - In this podcast we discuss: How does the humili