Think 100%: The Coolest Show

Think 100%: The Coolest Show

Latest Episodes

S1 Ep 6: We’re All in This Together! w/ Sen. Cory Booker, Annie Leonard, Deepa Padmanabha, & Tiernan Sittenfeld
April 17, 2018

 Our most basic public health protections are under attack and our ability to provide input into the decision-making process has been whittled away. This is especially dire for communities of color, low-income communities, and indigenous communities,

S1 Ep 5: The 2018 Grist 50 w/ Chip Giller, Nicole Sitaraman, & Anthony Torres
April 06, 2018

 Want a reason to feel hopeful? Grist has 50. We chat with Chip Giller, the founder of Grist: a no-nonsense and cutting edge media platform focused on solutions to climate change, sustainability, and social justice. For the past three years,

S1 Ep 4: The Fight for Justice Lives On! #MLK50 w/ Rev. Leo Woodberry & Damien Thadeus Jones
March 30, 2018

The dream did not die on the balcony! Our hosts Rev. Lenox Yearwood Jr. and Mustafa Santiago Ali take us to the intersection of civil rights, and environmental and economic justice on the anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

S1 Ep 3: Faith and Acting on Climate Change w/ Shantha Ready Alonso & Gilbert Campbell
March 25, 2018

 We’re joined by the Executive Director of Creation Justice Ministries, Shantha Ready Alonso, and Co-Founder/CEO of Volt Energy, Gilbert Campbell, to the connection between religious values and science and how people of color can connect with the progr...

S1 Ep 2: Uniting for Positive Change w/ Carol Browner, Vernice Miller-Travis, & Amanda Aguirre
March 15, 2018

We’re joined by former EPA Administrator Carol Browner, Environmental Justice expert Vernice Miller-Travis, and GreenLatinos Executive Vice President and COO Amanda Aguirreto to discuss how the environmental movement needs to become broader and more di...

S1 Ep 1: Environmental Justice 101 w/ Rep. Donald McEachin, Dr. Robert Bullard & Dr. Adrienne Hollis
March 12, 2018

 We’re joined by three leaders in the environmental justice movement to discuss the movement's history and what it means for moving our most vulnerable communities from ‘surviving to thriving’. Congressman Donald McEachin represents Virginia’s 4th Cong...
