Think 100%: The Coolest Show

Think 100%: The Coolest Show

S4 Ep 4: Empowered Education w/ Mitchelle Mhaka

April 25, 2022

Black folks have historically and culturally been one with the environment. Colonialism (white supremacy) has robbed us of our heritage, cultural identity, access and ability to thrive. Young Black organizers are decolonizing education to create ecosystems of empowerment for communities. Mitchelle Mhaka, Zimbabwean-South African activist, speaks to Tamara Toles O’Laughlin about period poverty, language barriers and the African Climate Alliance.


The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.