Things That Matter with Martie McNabb

Things That Matter with Martie McNabb

Episode 15: A Teen, a Menorah & What We Focus on featuring Dr. Jeffery Levine

May 25, 2023

Look & listen as my guest Dr. Jeffery Levine aka Dr. Get in Focus shares the story of a special menorah he bought when he was a teen.

He shares his experience of being a Jewish child surrounded by Christmas. He believed, at the time, that he wasn’t good enough to celebrate Christmas. Hanukkah was his poor substitute.

But when he was a teenager his parents took him to a Hanukkah fair where he found this menorah. He felt compelled to buy it. He wanted to contribute to his family’s “Festival of Lights” celebration. Young Jeff was starting to embrace his family religion, tradition, history & culture.

When he moved to his own home his parents gave him this menorah from the fair to “build” his own home, his family, his traditions & celebrations… it is now one of 6 he keeps with his wife. She brought 5 from her personal collection into the marriage.

We spoke about how many religions celebrate festivals of light during the same time of year. All wanting to bring light into darkness.

You can say that’s similar to how Dr. Get in Focus brings focus to a chaotic mind.

At 44 yo, after a lifetime of being the “schlemiel”, Dr. Jeff was diagnosed with ADHD. He had struggled with school & work for most of his life. Finally he had a diagnosis & a treatment. The medication worked well and he was able to finish college, hold down a job & care for his family.

But a few years later he had a heart attack and couldn’t continue taking the ADHD medication. His condition worsened and he was in a bit of a pickle. Now what?

He started researching ways to help himself manage his ADHD without the medication that had helped him immensely. He had been accepted to a PhD program and needed systems, routines and habits to help him focus and get it ALL done.

But MOST importantly, he needed to change his mindset. He needed to let go of his long accepted role as the schlemiel & see himself as capable of creating the life he wanted for himself & his family.

His doctoral thesis focused on how to effectively work from home. He got his doctorate in 2019!!! Just in time for the global pandemic that changed the world of work.

He came to see how the mindset shift, creation of habits and a reliable accountability support system can apply to both entrepreneurs & employees with ADHD and those who were navigating the new landscape of remote work.

Find out more about this beautiful human here:

Reach out to him directly at

Let’s build more connections, community & legacy by sharing & listening to the stories of the Things that matter. Things don’t matter, but the stories that get attached to them often do. ______________________________________________________________________________

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