Things That Matter with Martie McNabb

Episode 36: Joe Ferrara’s Cycling Quest: Conquering Mountains and Meeting People
When I look back on my life, one of the most pivotal moments was when I decided to embark on a journey across the United States on my bicycle. At the time, I was working a full-time engineering job in Connecticut, feeling stifled and yearning for something more. In the summer of 2017, I made a bold decision—I quit my job, packed my belongings, and set off on a bicycle trip that would span from Connecticut to Los Angeles, covering some 7,000 miles.
The bike I rode, which I fondly think of as my trusty steed, became more than just a mode of transportation; it was my companion and lifeline. From two broken spokes to a cracked frame that needed to be replaced in North Carolina, this bike certainly went through its own set of trials and tribulations. But just like my bike, I too was put to the test. Each challenge, be it a steep mountain climb or a mechanical failure, was a lesson in resilience and resourcefulness.
One of the highlights of my journey was dipping my front wheel in the Atlantic Ocean at the start and then in the Pacific Ocean upon completing my trip. There’s something surreal about realizing you’ve traversed an entire continent using nothing but pedal power.
Along the way, I met countless generous and kind-hearted people. In places like Portal, Arizona, strangers offered me a place to stay and food to eat, their unwavering generosity making the long, arduous days on the road bearable. Though technically I wasn’t homeless, the open road and the kindness of strangers often made it feel like I was temporarily part of a larger, transient community.
This trip was more than just a physical journey; it was a transformative experience that reshaped who I am. Riding that bike across the country showed me the best of humanity and the immense beauty of our nation, one pedal at a time. Now, as I look back, I’ve even thought about what I’d like to happen to my beloved bike when I’m gone. Ideally, I’d love for it to be passed down to someone in my family—someone who can appreciate it and perhaps find their own adventures on this trusty steed.
If you’re curious about my adventures and want to see more, you can find detailed blog posts and daily recaps from my journey on my website, Try For Travel, or check out the videos I posted on YouTube. It’s a way for me to share my story and, hopefully, inspire others to seek out their own life-changing adventures.
Looking to build deeper connections, community & legacy with your employees, volunteers, donors, community, alumni, family, friends, residents, team or event participants? Hire me to host a unique story-sharing gathering, playshop, exhibition or retreat. Email me at martie at showandtales dot com
Have a story of a special item you’d love to share? Reach out to Martie McNabb at info at showandtales dot com and be part of a future episode with the Subject line: Podcast Guest✨
If you were asked “What Things would tell your life story?” What Things would you choose? Look around your home, office & even on yourself …. what Things do you surround yourself with & what stories would they tell? Grab my My Life in 30 Things playsheet to list your Things that matter here:
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