Things That Matter with Martie McNabb

Episode 33: Everyday Objects, Extraordinary Stories: Martie Mackay’s Pandemic Creativity
Look &/or listen as my guest Martie Mackay shares her pandemic story through her unique “nine things” photo design project.
To cope with the isolation and emotional toll, Martie turned to something familiar yet unexpected — personal stories of the ordinary Things around her home during “lockdown”. First inspired by a striking image of the coronavirus, she began a unique art project that revolved around finding and photographing nine household items that resembled the virus. It started with simple things like a cactus, a dog toy, and an orange golf ball. She shared these on her @ juniperstudio Instagram and Facebook, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. People loved the humor and creativity, and it helped build a sense of community during isolation.
Her daily posts quickly turned into something more. She started theming her posts, spicing up the pandemic with collections of spices or even showcasing tiara-worthy items, including a roll of toilet paper