Things That Matter with Martie McNabb

Episode 32: Family Heirlooms and Adoption: Elizabeth Barbour’s Legacy of the Amethyst Ring
Hello, everyone. My name is Elizabeth Barbour. I live in Asheville, North Carolina, and I’m thrilled to be here today to share a story that is very close to my heart.
I grew up adopted, raised in Connecticut by my wonderful adoptive mom and dad as an only child. When I was 29 years old, I found my biological parents. It was an incredible experience; not only did I find my birth mom and dad, but also eleven half-brothers and sisters. This past April, we celebrated 25 years of reunion together, and I’ve developed beautiful relationships with everyone from parents and grandparents to siblings, nieces, and nephews.
My birth mom passed away last year at a young age, and the item I’m about to share holds even more meaning now because it comes from her side of the family. It’s a ring, an amethyst set in gold filigree, with a delicate rose in the middle. I have a deep love for jewelry; my first job was at a jewelry store when I was 16, and this piece is particularly special.
When I first met my birth mom in 1999 and visited her again around 2000, I also met her mother, my maternal grandmother for the first time. As we were talking, my grandmother mentioned a ring. I was intrigued, unaware of the legacy behind it. The ring has been passed down through generations to all the Elizabeths in the family. It started with my great-great-grandmother, Anna Elizabeth. Her brother gave her the ring on the condition that it be passed on to every Elizabeth in future generations. And so it did, moving down the line to Catherine Elizabeth, Marie Elizabeth, and June Elizabeth.
By the time it reached my generation, none of my biological cousins were named Elizabeth, and I had been adopted and named Elizabeth by my adoptive parents without them knowing anything about the family history. When I reconnected with my birth family, my birth mom and grandmother were thrilled to realize that I was next in line to receive this treasured heirloom. It felt like there had always been a space for me in the family. The ring symbolizes this connection, a tangible confirmation of my place in this lineage.
You can find more about me and my work at or, where I also have a jewelry line that contributes to hurricane relief efforts in our region.
Thank you for listening to my story and the legacy carried by this precious ring. It’s a reminder of our connections and the strength we draw from our roots.
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