Things Above

Things Above

Conversation with William Paul Young

August 14, 2019

In this Things Above conversation, James Bryan Smith interviews William Paul Young. Paul is best known for his book “The Shack” which has sold over a million copies. Young is a native of Alberta, Canada and now lives in Washington with his wife Kim. He is also the author of “The Crossroads” “Eve” and “Lies We Believe About God”

In this episode, Paul and James discuss the struggles that came with publishing “The Shack” as well as how it became such a huge success. Paul explains that he only intended to write “The Shack” for his kids and how he never expected it to become as big as it did. James asks Paul to give us a deeper explanation about his writing process and how it impacts his faith life.

Later on in the conversation, Paul gives us a few examples from his life where he struggled with his faith and how he was able to find God during those difficult moments. Paul and James both give explanations about how we can experience trinitarian reality in our daily lives.

If you are interested in seeing Paul in person he will be speaking and leading a workshop at The Apprentice Gathering 2019. Register here!