The Youth Fitness Podcast™

Episode 49: U18 How to Bring Nutrition into your space in a sustainable way, with Jen Broxterman RD
Description: Jen Broxterman RD, the amazing energy behind Prosper Nutrition Coaching, shares actionable advice
and steps to create positive outcomes. Her use of Play to engage both parents, Coaches and youth through Games and metaphors is pure gold!
Take her Free LIFT OFF course.
Episode Highlights:
1. 1:48 How to Bring Nutrition into your space
2. 3:00 WIN What's important now?
3. 4:02 The LIFT OFF Course and Play
4. 5:12 Championing Vegetable intake and the Rainbow Game
5. 8:59 Baby Cry or Dog Bark? Coping with stress eating
6. 12:01 The Memory Game, matching cravings to solutions
7. 13:59 Kid and exposure to Healthy Foods x 20
8. 14:57 Division of Responsibility
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