The Youth Fitness Podcast™

The Youth Fitness Podcast™

Episode 39: U18 - "Teaching coaches to be better nutrition coaches"

October 04, 2023

Jennifer Broxterman Registered Dietician and Founder of Prosper Nutrition Coaching joins 

Mikki and Jeff in a lively metaphor-rich conversation to talk Nutrition Coaching for Coaches and gives excellent advice concerning youth and nutrition discussions. 

Episode Highlights:

2:59 Becoming a better coach

4:07 Elevating skills, complex to simple as a behavior change facilitator

5:25 Sherpas, climbing mountains and a clients definition of success

7:26 Planting seeds, youth and the power of words

8:06 Dinner Parties and Childhood feeding Practices, Ellyn Satter and the Division of Responsibility (DOR)

11:04 On Rewards, bribes and punishments

12:20 Fun Fact: It takes kids 20 exposures to "like or try" new food

13:50 What if we take terms away? and we just offer foods

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