The Youth Fitness Podcast™

The Youth Fitness Podcast™

Episode 36: U18: BOOST - Know the rules before playing the sport

August 23, 2023

The third in a series on Brand X® methodology, Base- Build- Boost

The Martins cover how to BOOST performance and autonomy for a healthy movement-rich life.

"Intensity is the sport of mechanics, so it is our job as coaches to make sure our athletes understand the rules of the sport before they play it."- Keegan Martin

Episode Highlights:

1:30 BOOST = Accelerating growth, performance and training autonomy

2:49 Maximizing potential, volume, load and the continued use of pause and tempo strategies for strength gains

4:36 Complexity, Olympic Lifting, loading and testing

5:40 Base Build BOOST concepts, apply to bodyweight, calisthenics and gymnastics too

7:55 Considering transferability of positions athletes are repeating, appropriate progressions excellence and expansion in the BOOST phase.

10:32 Healthspan, longevity and the potential to maximize training and outcomes

11:58 The Ultimate goal, taking the long view - making sure young athletes understand "the rules of movement before playing the game"

13:37 Magically this long view and the Base Build Boost process not only aligns with What is Best for Kids™ but feeds retention and longevity in youth programs as well.

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