The Youth Fitness Podcast™

The Youth Fitness Podcast™

Episode 32: Amato Mazzoccas: Harnessing talent, finding the right coaching, building the mental game and the "Terminator Face."

June 28, 2023

Venezuelan Competitive CrossFit athlete Amato Mazzoccas joins his Coach Connor Martin and Jeff and Mikki to talk about training as a Teen Athlete (he qualified for the CF Games Teen Division in all 4 of 4 possible years) pegboards, current goals, motivations, temporary obstacles, 315# Good Mornings and the path towards continued growth in competition.

Episode Highlights:

1:10 Getting started, a pegboard challenge and sporting history

5:03 From training with friends for fun to serious competition

6:51 How talent evolved to training the talent

8:04 Addressing any weaknesses, focus, coaching and continual assessment

10:24 Playing with the mental game

12:29 "Terminator Face" and the growing process from a teen athlete to a young adult athlete

16:12 The Crown Competition 2023, community and training with peers 

17:55 Overcoming the "5 Country Pandemic Detour"

24:03 Motivations and Goals

27:29 Recent PR's + 315# Good Mornings for reps

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