The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

Level Up (Ep. 22)

February 21, 2023

Working with qualified people is essential. But to level up, it is crucial to work with people who take the time to get to know you.

In this episode of The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now, Corey Heimensen explains the types of advisors in the financial industry and why it’s important to work with the ones whom you can have a more personal connection with and how that can help you succeed, both financially and personally.

Corey discusses:

  • The four types of advisors in the financial industry and the ways they are represented in a pyramid
  • The importance of making small steps to level up in life
  • A true understanding of fulfillment and how it relates to leaving a legacy
  • The value of teaming up with those who understand your goals before helping you with your finances
  • And more!


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