The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

Seven things you should ask a Financial Advisor (Ep. 11)

September 20, 2022

When looking for a financial advisor, you want to make sure they have your best interests in mind.

That’s why it’s important to ask advisors questions while vetting them to see if they will be a good fit for you. 

In this episode, Corey Heimensen outlines the seven questions you should ask any financial advisor before becoming a client. Along with what would happen to your account if your advisor couldn’t fulfill their duties.

Corey discusses:

  • The importance of finding an advisor who knows how to explain and break down complex financial concepts such as how they’re compensated 
  • the value of ensuring your advisor is a fiduciary
  • Why splitting your accounts between several advisors is a bad idea
  • And more!


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