The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

Book Club – Part 2 (Ep. 38)

October 03, 2023

Success is often attributed to a combination of passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of goals.

Something that Angela Duckworth perfectly explains in her book “Grit.”

Ready to get inspired with the second part of the book reviewing segment?

In this episode, Corey Heimensen introduces us to Angela Duckworth’s book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” which explores the concept of passion and perseverance leading to long-term success. He emphasizes the importance of setting smaller goals along the way to achieve a big ultimate goal. Additionally, Corey touches on the significance of having a life philosophy and making a positive impact on the world.

Corey discusses:

  • An analysis of the word “grit”
  • His own experience with grit and how it varies depending on the task or goal
  • The importance of having an ultimate goal and a life philosophy that serves a common purpose and benefits others
  • Personal life philosophies emphasizing the desire to leave the world a better place and provide a better lifestyle for future generations
  • The importance of long-term financial planning and enjoying the rewards of hard work
  • How passion can be found in all walks of life, not just tied to money
  • And more!


Connect with Corey Heimensen:
