The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

The WIN Podcast, What’s Important Now

Book Club – Part 1 (Ep. 37)

September 19, 2023

Having a solid financial plan is essential for achieving financial freedom. And we understand that many require assistance to develop a successful one. 

Thankfully, there are numerous books available to help us comprehend the importance of financial planning and guide us on how to get started. 

Today, we dive deep into one such book.

In this episode, Corey Heimensen shares 11 takeaways from the book “The One Page Financial Plan” by Carl Richards and leads an exercise on creating a one-page financial plan. 

Corey discusses:

  • 11 key takeaways from “The One Page Financial Plan” book
  • Why people need to think about and identify “Why is money important to you?”
  • Reasons why you shouldn’t obsess over goals
  • The importance of being aware of how you spend and what you’re spending on every month
  • Why you should invest like a scientist
  • Creating a one-page financial plan in three steps
  • The importance of estimating cash flow needed in retirement and types of debts to include in a one-page financial plan
  • How having a financial advisor can be a game changer for your financial future 
  • And more!


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