The Wild Soul Podcast

The Wild Soul Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 100
September 01, 2021

This is Episode 100!! Weee! 100 podcast episodes! The first podcast Shannon aired was in January 2019! At first just to try podcasting out, to now evolving with Michael to bring people valuable tools

The Responsibility of Self Love
August 24, 2021

Episode 99: This is one of our favourite episodes and both Michael and Shannon share a lot of little nuggets for you to apply in your life in regards to self love. In this episode we chat about: Micha

Manifestation 101
August 11, 2021

Episode 98: On this episode, we talk about: Abraham Hicks visualization and feelings of already having it is that you desire starting small and creating manifestation tests AND MORE Follow Michael HER

Whatcha Know About Rapport?
August 04, 2021

Episode 97: This week, we discuss what Rapport is and how you can use it to your advantage. Follow The Dare To Change Podcast HERE Follow Michael HERE Follow The Queen HERE Download Your Free Abundanc

Change your STATE!
July 28, 2021

Episode 96: This week, Shannon and Michael discuss how to change your state and what that means. This was a fun episode and we do a few exercises in this episode, so make sure you are not driving. We

Boundaries: What are they and how do we get some?
July 21, 2021

Episode 95: This week, Michael and Shannon explore the idea of boundaries and how they have implemented boundaries into their lives; especially the word NO. On the episode they chat about: What is Int

The First Episode Of Dare To Change
July 07, 2021

Episode 94: Although it may be the 94th episode, it is the FIRST episode of the new podcast DARE TO CHANGE- hosted by Michael Fraser and Shannon Peters! We are so excited to bring this new content to

June 09, 2021

Episode 93: This is a bitter-sweet episode to record; like the title suggests, this is the last episode of The Wild Soul Podcast. It was my 30th birthday this past weekend and there were so many things that I was going through…all super amazing and nee...

Kelsey Stelter Of HOH (Hands Of Heaven)
June 02, 2021

Episode 92 Here we are with another episode featuring a Girl Boss who is killing it. My best friend and partner, Kelsey is on the podcast today talking her baby- Hands Of Heaven. Kelsey always had a yearning to work for herself and had big dreams.

Solo Episode: #JustSayNo
April 28, 2021

Episode 91: This episode today is about a man who is making Canadian headlines. Google his name and you will see a list of articles with less than favourable language describing him (keep your third eye open always).