The Weekly Blizz

The Weekly Blizz

Episode #1: What the Future Holds

January 16, 2016

Weekly news on all things Blizzard Entertainment!! World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo, Overwatch and Hearthstone! Each week we'll discuss what's going on with Blizzard's products and the wonderful community that comprises these games! Tune in for passionate discussion on hot button topics from around the Blizzard community.

Show Notes:

In this episode The WB Guys discuss what Blizzard has coming for us in 2016. Like Overwatch, World of Warcraft Legion as the two big events happening in the Blizzard sphere. But as well as the standalone DLC that StarCraft 2 is offering with the Nova Covert-Ops missions and the new playable area in Diablo which is the biggest addition to the game since the Reaper of Souls expansion. The WB Guys also talk about the Heroes Rising Tournament that just happened over the weekend and much more!

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