The Wealth Stream Podcast

The Wealth Stream Podcast

Hightower Great Lakes’ New Business Owner Workshop (Ep. 95)

August 31, 2022

Business owners like you should always be looking for ways to enhance and modernize their skills.

But if you don’t want to go back to school, how can you do that?

In this episode, Tim Scannell is excited to introduce the upcoming launch of his new business owner program and workshop! He then goes on to highlight how it can help you enhance, expand, and when the time comes, exit your business.

Tim discusses:

  • His new program built to help you run, exit, and expand your business
  • What activities and exercises his program and workshop will feature
  • Steps you can take to get out of the “business owner’s trap”
  • How you can continuously enhance your business skills in the modern day
  • And more


The Wealth Stream Podcast: Becoming A Lifelong Learner with Gina S.

Connect With Tim Scannell: