Water Values Podcast

Water Values Podcast

Latest Episodes

Tampa Bay Water’s Practical Approach to Digital Transformation with Alison Adams
October 05, 2021

Alison Adams, now Chief Technology Officer at INTERA, drove innovation at Tampa Bay Water when she helped pioneered Tampa Bay Water’s digital transformation. Alison provides firsthand knowledge about

Why ESG Needs to Guide Corporate Decision-Making with Claudia Toussaint
September 21, 2021

Claudia Toussaint, General Counsel of Xylem, provides a terrific discussion of ESG issues from the perspective of a publicly traded corporation’s general counsel. In a nutshell, Claudia describes how

VC and Early Stage Water Investing with Tom Ferguson
September 07, 2021

Tom Ferguson of Imagine H2O fame and now captaining Burnt Island Ventures joins The Water Values Podcast for an engaging discussion on early stage and venture capital investing in the water sector and

No Community Left Behind with Water Finance Exchange’s Brent Fewell
August 17, 2021

Brent Fewell of the Water Finance Exchange shares the story of why the Water Finance Exchange was established and how it aims to serve the significant need for water infrastructure funding in the mark

An Exit Interview with Jeffrey Kightlinger
August 03, 2021

Jeffrey Kightlinger provides an excellent interview offering profound thoughts on the water industry that was recorded during the waning days of his 15-year tenure as the General Manager of the Metrop

Water Quality in the Cloud with Neno Duplan
June 15, 2021

Locus Technologies founder and CEO Neno Duplan provides a wealth of experience on water quality in the cloud. Neno began cloud-based data work before any of us knew what the cloud even was. He does a

Synthetic Aperture Radar and Its Fascinating Applications in the Water Sector with James Perry
June 01, 2021

James Perry of Utilis joins us to discuss Synthetic Aperture Radar and its many and varied applications in the water sector. James provides a wealth of information about how the technology developed t

Digital Transformation with Prateek Joshi
May 18, 2021

Plutoshift CEO Prateek Joshi comes on to talk about digital transformation in the water sector. Prateek hits on a number of important and practical points in a wide-ranging discussion on data, AI, and

Top Digital Water Trends with Meena Sankaran
May 04, 2021

Water entrepreneur (and new mom) Meena Sankaran discusses data collection and usage in the water sector. She provides fascinating perspectives on everything from driving the digital transformation to

Data Enhanced Wastewater Treatment with Kando CEO Ari Goldfarb
November 03, 2020

Ari Goldfarb, the CEO of Kando, discusses the use of data in wastewater treatment. By harvesting data on wastewater quality, wastewater treatment systems can be operated and managed more efficiently. In this session, you’ll learn about:  The backgroun